Friday, 26 October 2012


जैसा की पिछले पोस्ट में पीसीएस से संबन्धित जी०एस० और निबंध व हिन्दी हेतु मेरा अनुभव था उसी परिप्रेक्ष में optionals जो की 800 नंबर के होते है, के बारे में कोई एक-ही strategy नही हो सकती क्यूकि विभिन्न optionals का sylabbus और लोकप्रियता भी आवश्यक निर्धारक है। मेरा स्वयं का अनुभव लोक प्रशासन व समाजशास्त्र तक सीमित है और समाज कार्य के प्रश्न पात्रो का भी अवलोकन किया है। 
   विषय (OPTIONALS)- पीसीएस में यह अच्छाई है कि सिलैबस सीमित है और प्रश्न प्रायः उसी से आए है और सेक्शन  A वा B का विभाजन मेन्स में काफी मदद करता है। जैसे साइमन का  decision-मेकिंग है, लोक प्रशासन में LIKERT,Mcgregor नहीं है। बेहतर ये होगा की पिछले 5 वर्षो के प्रश्नो को अछि तरह से लिख के तैयार कर ले और किसी से चेक करा ले। जो लोग आईएएस की तयारी कर रहे है या mains दिया है, उनको ये समस्या होगी की यूपीएससी में अब 200-300 शब्दो के उत्तर लिखने होते है और पीसीएस में 600-700 शब्दो में लिखना है। इसे आप इस तरह से tackle कर सकते है की उसके उत्तर में case studies का, examples का, elaboration of concepts, flowery language का भरपूर प्रयोग कर सकते है।
sociology में research methodology से सवाल आना तय है इसलिए उसे अच्छे से मय टेबल व flow-chart सहित बनाए।नडाल, और अन्य ऐसे thinkers को skip किया जा सकता है। सेकंड पेपर हेतु specific कसे स्टडीस का प्रयोग करे जो नयी हो, 1970-80 की कसे स्टडीस का उतना महत्व नही है साथ ही ये नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ता है की अभ्यर्थी updated नही है। आसान से प्रतीत होने वाले प्रश्न ज्यादा नुकसानदायक है क्यूकि हम प्रायः यह भूल जाते है कि ये socio/pub adm.-II का पेपर है और अपना सामान्य ज्ञान या comman-sense लिख देते है जो कि व्यर्थ क समान है और इसीलिए समान्यतः द्वितीय प्रश्न पत्र में नंबर कम आते है। 
आईएएस के नोट्स से अगर पढ़ रहे है तो पीसीएस का syllabus लेके उसमे से संबन्धित टॉपिक मार्क कर ले और उसी को strictly पढे क्यूकि पीसीएस में रटना आवश्यक है। answers लिखते समय कोशिश करे कि जो core areas जैसे thinkers है उनको attempt करे क्यूकि नंबर पाने के chance उसमे ज्यादे है। शॉर्ट नोट्स वाले प्रश्नो को पूर्ण रूप से लिखे जिससे की सारे aspects कवर हो जाए। 
Optional के संबंध में मेरा मानना ही कि लोकप्रिय विषय लेना श्रेयस्कर है क्यूकि scaling का प्रावधान उसी पक्ष में जाता है।साथ ही मैटर तथा मार्गदर्शन भी उपलब्ध रहता है।कुल मिला के uppcs mains 1500 नंबर का होता है, जिसका ब्रेक-अप यू है :-
  1. जीएस-I... 200
  2. GS  -II.. 200
  3. निबंध- ... 150 
  4. हिन्दी-  ... 150
  5. OPTIONALS- 800 (200*4)
  6. INTERVIEW  200
किसी भी प्रकार के सुझाव आमंत्रित है।

Thursday, 25 October 2012


          यू0पी0पी0सी0यस0 द्वारा आयोजित अधीनष्ठ सेवाओ की तैयारी हेतु दो स्थितिया होती है। पहेली जब आप के आई0ए0यस0 के समस्त मौके समाप्त हो गए हो तथा दूसरा जब आप साथ-2 तैयारी कर रहे है। 2012 से चूकि उ0प्र0 में भी सी0सैट0 लागू हो चुका है, इसलिए प्रेलिमस की तैयारी कुछ विशेष अंतर नही है। लेकिन कुछ अंतर है, जैसे पीसीएस में गणित क ज्यादा प्रश्न,हिन्दी के प्रश्न होते है। लेकिन मूलभूत अंतर यह है कि यूपीएससी अनल्टीकल तथा बेसिक प्रश्न और उनका उपयोग पूछता है तथा एमसीक्यू  प्रश्न होते है। जबकि पीसीएस में factual तथा सिंगल ऑप्शन प्रश्न ज्यादा होते है।
मेरे व्यक्तिगत 2011 के पीसीएस MAINS अनुभव के आधार पर निम्नांकित संसाधनो का उपयोग लाभकारी होगा। जो कि बहुधा समस्त English/ हिन्दी माध्यम के optional के लिए उपयोगी होगी।
सामान्य अधयायन (प्री+मुख्य परीक्षा) – शिल्पी या अरिहंत प्रकाशन के प्रीवीयस पेपर
      1-upper पीसीएस- प्रीलिम्स GS      2- upper पीसीएस mains GS
      3-lower पीसीएस प्रीलिम्स  GS      4- lower पीसीएस mains GS
इनके प्रश्नो को subject-wise अलग-2 रजिस्टर में लिख के उनके सामने उत्तर लिख के याद करे जैसे इतिहास,भूगोल,आर्थिक, यू0पी0 आदि। घटना-चक्र एक अच्छी मैगज़ीन है और क्वालिटी तथा कवरेज अच्छा है। मेरा मानना है कि परीक्षा के समय जो विशेष प्रकाशन बजIर में आते है वो पहले के ही मैटर को copy-paste कर क देते है।  भारतीय राजव्यवस्था GS का आधार है तथा 100% प्रश्नो के उत्तर सही हल किए जा सकते है। अगर संभव हो तो इतिहास और भूगोल के सब्जेक्ट के previous पेपर लेके उनके सामान्य प्रश्नो को देख ले क्यूकि इतिहास में मेडीवल और AIH के काफी प्रश्न आते है।  
मुख्य परीक्षा और अब प्रारंभिक परीक्षा में अंकगणित का बहुत महत्व हो गया है। मुख्य परीक्षा में तो 75 प्रश्न (100 मार्क) पूरा सेलेकसन decide कर देते है। इसलिए आवश्यक है कि इस खंड को अछि तरह से practise कर ले और non-maths बैक्ग्राउण्ड के aspirants नियमित रूप से मैथ्स कि practise करे।
हिन्दी- मुख्य परीक्षा में 150 नंबर कि हिन्दी का अध्ययन जरूरी है क्यूकी फ़ेल होने कि संभावना रहती है और प्रश्न-पत्र कठिन होता है (for English medium aspirants)। हरदेव बाहरी कि किताब राज-काज में हिन्दी must read है। साथ ही प्रीवीयस पेपर को देख के सॉल्व करे तो मदद मिलेगी। मुख्य परीक्षा के समय हिन्दी समाचार पत्र पढ़ने से भाषा प्रयोग आसान हो जाता है जो कि लिखते समय परिलक्षित होता है।
निबंध का प्रश्न पत्र 3 खंडो में विभाजित होता है। जिसमे 3 टॉपिक प्रति खंड रहते है और हर विषय पर 600-700 शब्दो का निबंध लिखना रहता है, कुल 2 घंटे में 3 निबंध। इस हेतु कोई विशेष पुस्तक कि आवश्यकता नहीं है, कुछ रिपिटेड टोपिक्स और आयोग के प्रिय विषय रहे है उनको पूर्व प्रश्न पत्रो से देख कर तैयार किया जा सकता है जैसे कि महिला सशक्तिकरण,पंचायती राज, भूमंडलीकरण, आदि।
पिछले 3-4 वर्षो से यूपीपीसीएस का रेकॉर्ड पेपर की quality व परीक्षा समय से करने में काफी अच्छा रहा है,और कई अन्य राज्यो के पीसीएस की तुलना में अच्छा है।
जैसा की हर लिखित परीक्षा का नियम है, जितना लिखेंगे उतना बेहतर उत्तर परीक्षा में प्रस्तुत होगा।

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


    It has been over ten years since I started reading THE HINDU (TH) in my good old days in Raebareli when you get it a day after print. In winter's that could be 2-3 days old and when you get it, you feel like getting medicine after many days. Sometimes my colleagues in office remarked why i took them home when they are of no use being old ones, perhaps what they are can be best understood by the one who appears in mother of all exams i.e. civil services exam of UPSC and even-more after 2012 mains exam.
So this is how I/We can make best possible use of TH or any other newspaper...
The FRONT page gives you glimpse of what all mattered yesterday to the globe and the nation, it is of  less importance as normally it becomes just a narration of various statements ,which is analysed inside in editorials. moving on to, next
Pages 2/3 which covers specific regions/nation and makes you aware of current local issues which may not be relevant for mains but as for interview is concerned it can be useful to be in today ie 23 october there is study about caste segregation in schools in karnataka which can be used in essay,sociology or GS. also SC judgements need a good study and follow what it had to say on relevant cases as they become imp. issues for discussion along with interpretation of constitution in light of the said article.
Pages 4-5:- BEWARE , don't ever read claims of coaching,crash courses which can crash your preparations n "free" orientation programmes.
Page 6 - now covers PERISCOPE which is itself a collage of different issues on similar topic like gender,govt. business  media, development, social issues on different days of the week. it can be useful for better perspective and insight on prevalent problems/issues of that specific sector. and can be used in variety of ways in Pub. adm, sociology, essay,GS.
 Editorials- not everyday you have to spend equal time on it as sometimes issues and content is repeated. when there is visit of any foreign dignitary or any global meet, editorials are common, but they give multiple perspectives so read accordingly. on extreme left there are there are 2 small articles ,generally 1 on domestic and 1 on recent foreign scenario which can be seen,if not covered previously. on right side we have,
 OP-ED which is of equal significance and sometimes even more than editorials ,as new initiatives like
 THE DEBATE are very helpful, since it is open-ended,we can get 2 different opinions and as it has follow-up articles so it can be tracked easily. it can helpful for optionals like public administration, sociology,law, . As now-a-days questions are increasingly opinion-based we can get help from these articles. (you can forgo Krugman).After getting few points,skip that debate. like as today 23.10.2012 we have interview of ISRO  chief and a good read of satellites(which can be fav. of UPSC). these interviews of technocrats help us to get a glimpse of their vision, organisations working and development, while of diplomats we get an insight of India's relationship n engagement with it.
International is one of the strength of TH and analysis are good one's along with follow-ups and use of images/figures make it easy to capture in 1 go. it wis advisable to have cuttings and when making notes use it with IDSA and Frontline
Business can be used in single glance and notes to be made on daily basis as and when required if new reform/scheme is started by SEBI/IRDA/RBI/PFRDA. also just have a knowledge of terminology if it appears new or is frequently quoted.
SPECIAL COLUMNS which vary as per weekdays like Monday we have economy Columns, on Tuesday book reviews are very useful as we get the basic idea of perspective covered in book and can be noted down in optionals register for last time revision. it has been observed that in Mains exam many questions appear from themes discussed in books published in preceding 2-3 months of mains. so have a clue as i have tested in last 2 mains. similarly S&T on Thursday sometimes carry basic articles on it which are very lucid and comprehend-able.
Sports can be seen as per one's interest as i didn't find it very relevant.
LAST page is very important as it deals with defense,environment and misc. issues.
 if you have been bored reading it throughout week, then have a humorous break on Sunday by reading few good reads which are "intellects" humor. along with magazine which is equally interesting and sometimes full of information though occasionally boring (when compared to ToI).
there are usually advt. by CSIR/ICAR and GoI which sometimes have rich info. on schemes,projects, have a glance at it.
On an average at starting it would take 2-3 hrs daily which can vary on less important issues and can increase when parliament or any summit is in progress. so act accordingly. once pendency is created it would be difficult to remove backlog.

    what makes a point in this process is how you make use of resources rather than collecting resources and not justifying them by usage, like subscribing to INDIAN EXPRESS or ECONOMIC TIMES  is good. but for aspirants who are going for 1st or 2nd attempt it is difficult to have such time. 

I must confess that I am The Hindu addict so I know that it is sometimes very radical or what is called in common parlance as "leftist", so you can temper down it by discussions and self-analysis . but yes it is lifeline and complete in itself. any suggestion can be discussed in comments.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Zindagi ji le zara...

    These are few lines shared by my friend and i am posting these after due recognition. the inherent emotions hidden in these few lines can only be grasped when we have undergone the situations like of composer...feelllll them...

किताबों के पन्ने पलट के सोचते है ,
यूं पलट जाए ज़िंदगी तो क्या बात है ।
तमन्ना जो पूरी हो ख्वाबो में,
हक़ीक़त बन जाए तो क्या बात है।
कुछ लोग मतलब के लिया ढूंढते है मुझे,
बिन मतलब कोई आए तो क्या बात है।
कत्ल कर के तो सब ले जाएंगे दिल मेरा,
कोई बातों से ले जाए तो क्या बात है।
जो शरीफ़ों की शराफत में बात न हो,
वो एक शराबी कह जाए तो क्या बात है।
ज़िंदगी रहने तक तो खुशी देंगे सबको,
किसी को मेरी मौत पे खुशी मिल जाए तो क्या बात है।

Monday, 15 October 2012


             when i signed in the attendance register today and put date,it appeared that something is special about it, and mind scrolled for some b'day or anniversaries but it later turned to my special day...

    Five years ago,a village boy carrying burden of his dreams alighted at CST station, Mumbai to start his career in govt. of India, on being appointed as an Investigator and posted at Mumbai. In-spite of all opposition from family, relatives and well wishers, stood by his decision and proceeded on. After joining formalities, met with some good friends and seniors and understood what was job expectation and what our organisation does. except the fact that it was world's largest survey organisation ,nothing morale boosting was heard.
 So after 2 days of theory class , life of an Investigator began and in dynamic Mumbai life, jumping from central to western to harbour lines, watching deaths on track daily became a part of life and also an inherent fear on how to avoid this to myself. when announcement of Kurla or Dadar was heard, it sends shivers in spine with me leaning on edges with a heavy bag, and "pudhe chala" became part of my linguistics. 
 so what i learnt from Mumbai is a big question and so are the bigger answers.
when you  visited Dharavi, watch people living frugally, managing daily life in limited means and yet satisfied. though women folks may bath in open street but yes they are dignified and have self respect, people have  a bonding which is not commonly found even in a joint family. the lesson and how informal sector operates had helped me to gain an insider perspective which no amount of literature would have been provided and yes dynamism of Mumbai on wake of 26/11 when I was on the same place at 6.30 pm on that day was notable. Slums and the way of life can be best understood when you spend hours with then and talking on seemingly irrational topics. sharing food with them and playing gali cricket was one of few memorable experiences there. But hidden in between is the deprivation,lack of basic amenities ,frauds of builders on name of slum rehabilitation which strengthened my will for civil services. on different note when i surveyed areas adjoining south Mumbai, Sheetal baug and Malabar hills, you have to rethink that is this same India which you visited few days back, as here opulence is basic requirement for survival and cars of  Indian make are rarity. Here BMC has deployed whole army of conservancy and maintenance staff. where even to enter a building premises you need permission which can even put shame to a Sarkari office. while interacting with whose's who there, i found that my debating and interactive skills were improving and even it helped me to learn the way of life of Parsis and believe me they are very nice,sometimes conservative,cooperative if you are honest and frugal people. it was only due to my work that i got such an opportunity.
and while i revisit my glorious days in Mumbai, the serenity of Pane Village on Mumbai-Goa NH is worth mentioning where during my 5 days stay, Konkan was at its best with non-stop rains, innumerable waterfalls, ussal and misal pav and yes, sweet and seedhe tribals who treated me and my colleague Vineet as guests. its happy to see that they are away from mechanization and false modernity and responded well to my marathi-konkani-hindi mix which even made them sometimes laugh and which even i couldn't understand what I've spoken,but thankfully now i can understand and speak basic Marathi.
 when being transferred to Lucknow and coming to home town has been helpful as if i was not investigator, i would never been associated so closely to problems of every section,every locality of various societal customs and rituals and pattern of living, which in turn helped me to better my vision and zeal to work hard for services and turn my vision into hard building blocks.
though problems also have been many but those are there to test your strength and will-power.
when we are associated with an organisation, we become accustomed to its way of life, and 
same has been with me and on lighter note NSSO has a big role in making of a civil servant. 

BANARAS : A Civilisational City

This is Manickarnika, where death is auspicious,  where life is fruitful, where one grazes the pastures of heaven.  There is no tirtha like ...