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Alexander the Great : The Man who didn't knew where to Stop.

 Alexander the Great : The Man who didn't knew where to Stop.

The book Alexander the Great written by Jacob Abbott and published by Fineprints Classic is a biography of one of the greatest military general and ruler in the recorded human history. In this book the author has tried to give a chronological introduction of Alexander. The book is written in descriptive style where major life events of Alexander have been touched upon. 

Born in BC-356 to the King Philip of Macedon his mother was Olympias and she also belonged to Epirus empire. The uniqueness of the location of macedonia was that it was situated between Asia and Erurope. The Asiatic side was occupied by Persian , Assyrians and the Medes while the Europeans side was dominated by Greek and Romans. Both these sides were completely different in approach and organisations. The Asiatic side was wealthy, luxury driven while Eureopean side was full of energy, genius and force. Persians have huge army, horses, tents, finest workmen and armoury while Europeans have compact but disciplined troopsfocussed on skills, science and military calculations. She was very strong determined and energetic. 

Character and mental strength was biggest quality of Alexander. In fact it is said that Alexander has inherited greater qualities of his mother as compared to his father.  Her nurse named Lannice has also considerable influence and she treated her with great consideration. His father was one of the ablest ruler in area around ancient Greek.  He wanted to conquer the eastern part of the globe and for that he has combined army of other Greek states.  However, he was assassinated in a procession. It is pertinent to mention that Alexander and his mother Olympias does not have cordial relation with King Philip and Alexander was impatient to take control of the reign.  However, after assassination of King Philip, Alexander was proclaimed as King. Immediately after taking the charge Alexander found the killers of his father and executed them.
The book presents the chronological sequence in which Alexander's life unfolded. It also covers several related aspects like Battle of 300 in Sparta, the Leonidus, Troy.  There is a greater emphasis on Alexenders conquest of Persia where a small but well planned conquest defeated the Persian army led by King Darius. He captured the family of kind Darius who fled from the war and extracted huge ransom. He later on married daughter of Darius named Statira. He destroyed the city of Thebes by completely burning it down. He declared himself as the son of Jupiter which meant that he was the son of the God. He was quite impressed with the writings of the great Greek poet Homar and the story of Troy. In earlier part of  life Alexander was focussed, has empathetic heart and was loved amongst his generals and soldiers. However, in the latter part he got drawn in apathy, self aggrandisement and always drunk. He lost the simplicity, the terance, the moderation and sense of justice.  He in fact got his closest general and confident Permenio and his son killed on the frivolous charges of conspiracy. Infact, he killed his great friend and loyal Governor Clitus too in drunken rage. He conquered Egypt, the valley of Euphrates and Tigris and started his conquest for Asia. Around BC 326, He invaded India and conquered till Indus River and approached towards Ganges. However, the army was exhausted and there was insubordination as the soldiers were very far from their native land and had desire to return. While he resolved to return he was wounded in an assault and was treated. He married Statira, the oldest daughter of King Darius. 
Alexander trait was that he rarely listened to sanely advice of his counselors and friends. He made Babylon as his capital inspite of warnings by astrologers, his continuous pursuit of Darius even though he has accepted the defeat and paid the ranson, taking his mother and wife as captive, his adamant behaviour to recognise himself as Son of Jupiter at the Temple of Jupiter Ammon, his forced drinking sessions and his brutal treatment to Betis which has drawn comparison of how Achilles killed Hector in Troy. The writeup would be incomplete without mention of his favorite horse Buchephalus whom he loved and adored. The black beauty was rejected by his father Philip as none could ride it, however Alexander not only controlled it but also made his preferred choice. Infact, Buchephalus saved his life many times and died in battle after taking him to safe place. 
He died after excessive drinking and was given a burial at Alexandria which has been built by Alexander himself. Infact it is the only place where he has created something otherwise his career is marked by destruction only. His funeral procession is mentioned as the grandest in human history with coffins and special carriages made of Gold and Diamonds. His death led to jubilation in Athens as Greeks never whole heartedly accepted his sujernity.

Why you should read the book?
To get a glimpse of life of one of the ablest military General in recorded human history and how in span of 12 years he conquered greatest landmass under one flag.


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