Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Preparation for Final Battle- PERSONALITY TEST-1

Since it is the last stage for any aspirants journey for CSE, it becomes very crucial to excel in this stage as irrespective of the past performance there can be 3 outcomes of personality test of UPSC CSE, namely -

1.       Goods score in mains exam- If you score good marks then chances are that you may get your 1st service preference and even preferred cadre but if score are less then chances are that you may land up in central services and have to again appear for CSE and whose outcome will be still unpredictable (like in 2012 CSE Mains 808 and PT -156) CSE 2010 interview 
2.       Average marks in mains- if you have good marks in PT then you can get your 1st or 2nd preference of service but getting average marks in PT will land you in last ranks and even getting you out of list and thus wait for reserve list and appear again.
3.       If Mains marks are just above cut-off  still you have chances that you can make it in fair rank if you do extremely well in PT (like case of mine in 2011, AIR-508 mains- 875 and PT 225) 2011 CSE INTERVIEW  but if you get average marks in PT as well then you can be out (As in 2010 CSE I got 935 mains and 129 in PT).CSE 2012 Interview
So these 3 cases must be clear that why PT is very crucial for final selection and get moksha out of CSE.
I am putting my few experiences and observations based on my 3 interviews and mock interviews and general discussion with Civil servants.
 Focus on your flow of thought process and identify if there are contradictions appearing prima facie ,if yes then see the points which appear so, take any random topic and make self questions on it and try to answer impromptu and randomly and cross question them.
Since summary sheet forms a very important part of this whole process, so below am discussing few relevant points concerning it…
1-      The date of your interview may be of any historic significance so its better you go through it and along with it see if something’s falls in range of a day or 2 to get a grasp of it. Like if it’s April or may 2, they may ask you about Labor Day or various state days formed due to state reorganization.
2-      Name- it’s a usual practice to start the PT process by asking the name of the candidate or asking the meaning of the name, its historical references, if any, or related to surname attached like asking about name of few famous personalities with same surname, so when you choose any name it’s better to name someone who is known for his/her good credentials. So it is advised to get prepare this topic. If candidate is from down south then questions related to father’s name (if it is in middle like Maharashtra or place/village of birth etc) may be looked into. It is advised that while replying one should not resort to long narratives about its meaning or why that name was preferred by parents as it leads to monotony of topic.
3-      Date of Birth- it may be historic or popular date in national or international timeline so it is advised to go through Wikipedia page of that date or see if it relates to any specific event or DOB of significant person. Like if it is 15th august or 14th November or for that matter if there is coincidence between DOB and date of PT.
4-      Optional papers- Out of 4 members at least 1 or 2 are subject experts so it’s a done thing that it will for m a crucial portion of the process so it is advised that even if you are not able to revise and retrieve the entire knowledge of optional which you mugged up  during mains at least go through the basic definitions/one liners word to word of concepts in it as it comes handy when you r asked and at that time you need not to explain using your own words and leave any point for different interpretation and further unnecessary questioning. Along with it if it is humanities then have a basic idea of its applicability in daily life and if it is technical paper then specific terminology and processes.
5-      Place of birth- like DOB and name this small detail is very particular to your summary sheet which you have to prepare on your own by internet and traditional knowledge asking from parents and local knowledge. It includes brief analysis of SWOT test like what are the potential strength and weaknesses of that place, any special bearing on the name and if any historical references in freedom struggle or otherwise, it may include your village, talk, PO, or district and state so it becomes a huge topic like they may ask you regarding different local movements for the division of states,problems of resource mobilization, political atmosphere  or other local issues based on castes and groups.
6-    Educational  qualifications- this column may contain questions on your name of school/college, place where it is situated, subjects studied, reason for change of streams (if any) ,questions from subjects studied in graduation or above level, percentage (if there is steep rise and fall in it ), reason for change of subjects from grads to optional paper, if it is so. Also try to revisit the basic concepts from your graduation/PG exam, as subjects expert are in board which may feel neglected if you are not unable to satisfy their thirst of knowledge.

In second part of the article I will try to cover portions related to hobbies, work experience, sports etc along with discussion on few hobbies. Any query or clarification will be highly welcome…share your feed back or insight which may be beneficial to all aspirants…


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