- II
Indian Administration
this Paper concerns mostly with the application of principles discussed in paper 1 so
to prepare it one must be comfortable and should have command on paper 1 so as to
show how principles discussed in theory can be applicable to implementation aspect. Thus
it would give a good feedback on examiner that aspirant has not only mugged up
the syllabus but also has clearly understood the underpinnings of the
discipline and all interconnections within the subject are crystal clear to the
Especially from the last 2 years paper 2 is designed in such a way
that many questions appear to be out of blue and can be approached like a GS
paper which will end in mediocre marks and that is the reason that there have
been variations in marks scored between the candidates. Secondly you can connect
the "GS" type’s ques. to some concepts in PA so it will appear that
you can apply the principles in PA even when it is the non-traditional type question.
references discussed here are just indicative for those who are appearing for
the 1st time with PA as an optional and for those who are going to repeat they
can add more but here the point is that one can't go on reading n no. of books
or IIPA journals as it does not give "value-for-time" invested and at
times can hamper in proper thought making process due to conflicting opinions
and facts in different sources.
it is advisable that from ARC reports notes could be made as the voluminous nature
of reports makes not be handy for revision. Also in between the reports you
have recommendations of several other committees/commissions formed prior to
arc -II so those can be referred as UPSC can ask to compare them and tell which
one is more more thing which will be of great utility will be
that in the website of DARPG there
is given the list of recommendations which govt. has accepted and which have
been rejected with reasons there-on off ATR so it can be
used to answer why reforms aren't yielding results as per expectations.
Case studies and other documents can
be accessed on plenty but remember don't be too much on it and refer only when
you need it. Case studies on every issue, research paper, govt. papers and
documents are in plenty in it.
a new edition of Indian Public Administration-Institutions and Issues by Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora has been released which is
updated so if you can go for it and for those who have old edition they can
check for updated sections.
Evolution of Indian Administration:
Arthashastra; Mughal administration; Legacy of British rule in politics and
administration - Indianization of public services, revenue administration,
district administration, local self-government.
part is best covered in Indian public administration (IPA) by Rajni Goyal and
Ramesh Arora. It is a book which till date has no match on this unit. Though
they have covered in a brief manner. Each sentence of the chapter in the book
can be probable questions. no. of ques. is usually 1-2 from this chapter esp.
from Kautilya’s and British adm. ,the GoI Acts of subsequent years have to be
taken into account with a linkage to their impact on administration in India.
2. Philosophical
and Constitutional framework of government:
features and value premises; Constitutionalism; Political culture; Bureaucracy
and democracy; Bureaucracy and development.
Goyal and Ramesh aurora’s Indian public administration and for political
culture you can search from internet and your own views on it with substantial
case studies. Search it from Google books directly and read it.
Public Sector Undertakings:
sector in modern India; Forms of Public Sector Undertakings; Problems of
autonomy, accountability and control; Impact of liberalization and
Survey of PSU's in India from PIB is a good brief document for
updated material and for basic structure of PSU's,their comparison notes and newspaper
because we often see some new concepts or issues in PSU's whether its control
or mgmt or its performance.
Union Government and Administration:
Parliament, Judiciary - structure, functions, work processes; Recent trends;
Intragovernmental relations; Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister’s Office;
Central Secretariat; Ministries and Departments; Boards; Commissions; Attached
offices; Field organizations.
structure and functions of these bodies ARC-II UNION GOVT. has
explained everything from allocation of business rules to the working of deptt.
Still many things are dynamic which arise from day to day functioning of govt.
so update it from newspaper Indian Express covers it in good manner which can
be seen from its online version for selected articles. Commissions like UPSC,
Finance commission and various boards and authorities can be covered from Rajni
Goyal and Ramesh Arora or their reports on website.
Plans and Priorities:
of planning; Role, composition and functions of the Planning Commission and the
National Development Council; ‘Indicative’ planning; Process of plan
formulation at Union and State levels; Constitutional Amendments (1992) and
decentralized planning for economic development and social justice.
only for this section but for other sections also including few in paper-1 this
is best source PCI and for
process and 1992 act Rajni Goyal and Ramesh Arora is sufficient.
State Government and Administration: Union-State
administrative, legislative and financial relations; Role
of the Finance Commission; Governor; Chief Minister,Council
of Ministers; Chief Secretary; State Secretariat; Directorates.
District Administration since Independence:Changing
role of the Collector; Union-state-local relations;Imperatives of development management and law and order administration; District administration and democratic
The units 6-7 can be prepared in a continuum because they are closely inter-related and even ARC-II has same approach so its 15th report SDA is a sufficient source with additions from Vajiram's class notes.Apart from it reports of NCRWC and few points from Sarkaria can be seen with support from few landmark judgments of Supreme Court which can Explain dynamics better.
Civil Services:
position; Structure, recruitment, training and capacity-building; Good
governance initiatives; Code of conduct and discipline; Staff associations;
Political rights; Grievance redressed mechanism; Civil service neutrality;
Civil service activism.
report is just meant for this part and every year you can figure out 2-3
questions in mains from the deliberations part Personnel
administration Also they discussed NPM and re-engineering govt.
in good manner. See the comparison between administrations in USA etc.
Financial Management:
as a political instrument; Parliamentary control of public expenditure; Role of
finance ministry in monetary and fiscal area; Accounting techniques;
ARC-II has treasure in Report on
Financial adm. but apart from it visiting CAG is advisable and read related topics.
Also go through summary of few latest audit reports and see the finesse of
reports prepared. It’s better to refer primary source rather than secondary
ones like articles etc.
of Controller General of Accounts and Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Take a look at relationship between CAG and CGA and the complexity of the
interaction along with different mandate given to them.
Administrative Reforms since Independence:
concerns; Important Committees and Commissions; Reforms in financial management
and human resource development; Problems of implementation.
can be covered from report of personnel and financial management and other commission’s
recommendations include Hota, ARC-I,NCRWC,Sarkaria, FSLRC etc. problem of
implementation is discussed in paper-2 class notes by Vajiram and Ravi (taught
by Kiran)
sections of this ARC-II report on E-Gov as
e-governance is reform as well as carrier of reforms in India.
Rural Development:
and agencies since independence; Rural development programmes: foci and
strategies; Decentralization and Panchayati Raj;73rd Constitutional amendment.
Repetiton of suggested readings for District adm. with focus on rural areas and a brief history of our strategy for rural development and its failure. features of major RD programmes though UPSC focusses more on analysis rather than details.
Urban Local Government:
governance: main features, structures, finance and problem areas; 74th
Constitutional Amendment; Global-local debate; New localism; Development dynamics,
politics and administration with special reference to city management.
GOVERNMENT has to be done in complete manner and to be read
with continuum in 73rd C Act. Inferences from city mgmt from USA, France etc
will be helpful in bringing complexity in Indian system. this is one of the favorite
topic of UPSC from last 2-3 yrs. notes of either Vajiram or Mohanty can be
referred for Confidence Building Measure and please refer to Google Books where you have problems.
Law and Order Administration:
legacy; National Police Commission; Investigative agencies; Role of central and
state agencies including paramilitary forces in maintenance of law and order
and countering insurgency and terrorism; Criminalization of politics and
administration; Police-public relations; Reforms in Police.
on report 10 public order is necessary but not
sufficient material. It has covered every aspect beautifully and case studies
as given in Boxes which can give you material to quote. Along with it several
reports like Soli Sorabjee, Reibeiro Committee etc and National Police Commission
are discussed. Along with it investigative agencies can be seen from India year
book for their mandate and structure while dynamic part relating to their
working can be done from newspaper editorials. Vajiram's class notes can be
covered for confidence building measure.
Significant issues in Indian Administration:
in public service; Corruption and administration;
report on Ethics in
Governance is a brilliant report among all 15 as it has
clarified many things and also recommendations are wholesome for all from politics,
administration and judiciary.
Make a list of such bodies like IRDA ,SEBI, PFRDA,CCI etc and then prepare your own
notes from their websites and update notes when any amendment or proposals
comes before it.Also a critic of their functioning may be prepared from
Human Rights Commission: - Website and newspaper and its NHRC
of administration in coalition regimes: -
make your own notes by gathering
inputs from newspaper and several Articles/papers which are published now and
then and tilt your argument which have a positive thought as we have arrived in
an era of coalition govt and they are pretty stable also.
interface: - CCA ARC-II
report is more than sufficient and will be useful in interview as well as in GS
mains paper.
management sufficient but connect it with local
case studies and international experiences.
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