There have been queries on approach to few newly introduced topics in General studies paper like Social sector initiatives/schemes by Centre (CSS- Centrally-sponsored schemes) and States.
Though they were even earlier also but over a period of time their weight-age has increased. secondly one of the important change observed in last 4-5 yrs of CSE is that earlier there used to be question on the salient features of schemes/policy but there has been shift to analytical aspects of it. Here i am putting few observations of mine on how to tackle these issues so as to focus on qualitative aspects of the schemes and policies. these touch points have been summed after interaction with senior officers and administrators behind those initiatives.
While making notes or studying any particular scheme following things have to be seen upon:-
Firstly, in what circumstances or contexts the scheme was framed or evolved as this questions many a times answers the basic question about aims/objectives of the scheme. it may cover wider discussion on failure of earlier initiatives/schemes and reason for their partial success. it may be note that rather than using word failure of any particular scheme its better too use partial success as it is more appropriate in operational circumstances in which scheme operates.
Secondly, who are these stakeholders and what are their expectations from the initiative is next question which needs to be answered and how the scheme is going to fulfill these expectations. generally schemes have their specific target groups and defined priorities for them. this will help you in objective evaluation at the later stages.
Now comes third point which explains what are the provisions of the scheme/policy i.e. fine details on the operational and structural aspects, basic questions in it include-
- What machinery will be used for implementation i.e. any SPV (special purpose vehicle) or NGO or any state govt. department or local body .these are namely called as PIU- project implementation unit
- What is method of funding i.e. whether 100 % CSS or it will be shared in fixed ratio like 75-25 or 50-50 etc.
- Method of beneficiary selection and expected outcome for the target group.
- Short -term and long-term perspective plan,if any, prepared by Govt. or planning commission.
Fourthly, if scheme has been operational for a while or if it is only restructured version of any previous scheme,just check what was its earlier performance and outcome,if any document is available, and what changes have been introduced.
Fifthly,if there is any scheme of similar nature in other parts of globe ,check how it is modeled on its line taking account of the environment here and that part, its performance there.. like in Brazil we had Bolsa Familia and Bolsa Eschola, previous was on family welfare whereas latter was for school enrollment and quality education. Sarva Shisha Abhiyaan was to be modeled on that but while we took basic elements like MDM but can't implement it fully as it was conditional cash transfer scheme but SSA didn't adopted that due to issues of identification of beneficiaries and others.
Sixthly, the challenges for the future and possible obstacles have to be deliberated upon so that it can be modeled better. for this social audit reports have to be seen and any paper evaluating the performance has to be looked into.
it would be better if these notes are taken down and then subsequently discussed in a small informal group so that "noble thoughts flow from all side and if any apprehension are there,they can be clarified."
Main schemes (Flagship as generally referred) by GoI are- MGNREGA,NRLM,IAY,JNNURM,BHARAT NIRMAN (BOUQUET OF SCHEMES), RGGVY, NRHM,RSBY etc.
I am giving links of few websites which will be helpful in this section of CSE GS paper and as usual the disclaimer that any act of omission or commission is sole responsibility of mine and views expressed are authors only. Any and all suggestions will be welcomed with a smile.
Rural Development a brilliant source and as you can see from the home page itself,it is repository of information.
Panchayat for rural and devolution like BRFG, PESA etc.
Best paractices and reviews related to schemes. it has good papers indeed,you may take time to get acquainted with its usage map.
planning commission its mother of all information sites. check it regularly for updates.
Original picture of a potter ,clicked in Dedla village, Dhar,M.P.,India -Notice the hope in his eyes or perspective can be questions in his mind on seeing me. |