Today,as from last many yrs, Weber and Ambedkar would be in despair...though both are unrelated except connection of bureaucratic model envisioned by weber and concept of "social justice" of baba saheb, which underwent a unique tie-up in India,especially Uttar pradesh...
just imagine following 4 situations in administration:-
1. Civil servants recruited through merit based system,largely on weberian model, with protective discrimination at each stage of recruitment as per vision of Ambedkar, now they are imparted rigourous training in which there is no discrimination in fooding,lodging and skill training. After say 12 yrs in service one batchmate becomes Commisioner /DIG/Ambassdor and another still remains DM/SP/1st will either person substantiate this situation without having negative feeling towards each other... OR isn't it violation of merit based system...won't it lead to serious violation of command and control.
2.A district had 24 thanas or 6 tehsils, now you expect SP or DM/DC to allocate thanas or tehsils as per so called "social justice" policy, why would a thanedar or tehsildar obey orders of their seniors when they know that their tenure is fixed by reservation... won't it tie hands of SP/DM to enforce discipline.
3.There are 2 top posts in state administration and specially created a 3rd one which never existed in last 60 yrs in any state...its ok as its prerogative of state to create or abolish any post...the problem starts when caste considerations become prime considerations and these 3 posts are distributed to suit caste combinations.
4. In a district DM/DC and SP are 2 main administrative posts,and as they are members of same clan,AIS, inspite of all egoistic clashes and confrontations,there is a rapport between them... in order to break their rapport or (1+1=11) combo and to satisfy dominant castes and sometimes religious combination, you appoint DM and SP on caste considerations...
5. 2 friends join a primary school as assistant teachers, and one is promoted in same school as Principal, with compulsory teaching period of 3 yrs necessary for promotion is waived as he is from disadvantaged group, and now he disciplines his companion...
5. 2 friends join a primary school as assistant teachers, and one is promoted in same school as Principal, with compulsory teaching period of 3 yrs necessary for promotion is waived as he is from disadvantaged group, and now he disciplines his companion...
Here in India, we import and emulate western model, manipulate them to suit our false and often misplaced needs and then say, "it is Indianised version", and same is with bureaucratic model... had Weber studied independent India, he would certainly suggest Caste-based bureaucracy... and as far Dr. Ambedkar's vision is concerned, he would have certainly included reservations in promotion,if he felt so, just like at recruitment and whose unmindful extension for every 10 yrs without evaluating its intended benefits is just mockery of his noble intentions... atleast a survey or white-paper needs to be made public on its beneficiaries... moreover north-east inspite of huge share in disadvantaged group remains at periphery...
Secondly, coming to various reforms in personnel administration...the reservations in promotion are violation of all principles of promotion like merit or time-based, on one side we have performance-linked incentive scheme(PLIS) to promote merit-based system while at same time this retrograde step which will kill any incentive for good work and promote corruption...the caste-based loyality towards political head will see a new height of stooping will APAR of a better performing-general and average-reserved will be graded, and if so how justice would be done to better performer...won't it be against principles of natural justice...
Secondly, coming to various reforms in personnel administration...the reservations in promotion are violation of all principles of promotion like merit or time-based, on one side we have performance-linked incentive scheme(PLIS) to promote merit-based system while at same time this retrograde step which will kill any incentive for good work and promote corruption...the caste-based loyality towards political head will see a new height of stooping will APAR of a better performing-general and average-reserved will be graded, and if so how justice would be done to better performer...won't it be against principles of natural justice...
When courts have given ruling against it, you justify by moving an amendment in legislature, thus killing justice and even when your amendment would be declared ultra-vires, then get ready to cry and shout "judicial over-reach", "judicial ambition" being a general candidate a crime which is not even committed by "undertrials"...doesn't a candidate whose village has still no power, none in his/her clan history ever got job or formal education or has any economic resources to go better education,is general, requires "reservation" in compared to "disadvantaged" 3rd generation of ICS beneficiary?
this whole drama of "reservation-in-promotion" is running in U.P. from last 3 yrs and it has divided bureaucracy,sub-ordinate employees into pro- and anti- groups...and guess who is the real beneficiary, sorry, but no prices for correct answers... public sab janti hai/-